Saturday, February 16, 2008

more from the "photoshoot"

sorry i took so long... :/ here they finally are, though! i think they came out alright, what do y'all think (good, bad, ugly?) :)

alrighty then ashlee...

hey's a brick wall...

thanks for dealing with my pickiness ashlee, erika and katelyn (who just stood there laughing at us until i pointed the camera at her!!)!! i think a couple came out pretty good, we're going to have to do it again soon!! :)


Emma said...

woah, erica could be a model, for real! she wicked photogenic

ashleekd said...

i heart trees!

Jaina *JJ* said...

'good bad ugly'?
tori! you have amazing talent! they're all awesome. :)
not to mention you actually know how to USE your camera. hehe